It's been a pretty blustery day here, with the weather changing on a sixpence as it has a tendency to do, so we didn't see much sun but I guess its a good day to appreciate the changing seasons. A herbalist friend of mine has organised a herb walk round Regents Park in London but as I can't go on this occasion, I decided to have a walk around my local area to see what I could find. (She also has a wonderful blog, find her here We had such amazing weather in april/may this year many of the trees such as elder and hawthorn have long since flowered and are producing berries for the autumn. The bramble is also in flower ready to transform flowers to fruit. I'm so looking forward to making elderberry syrup, blackberry vodka and hawthorn brandy again this year.
I also found nettles in abundance, dripping with seeds, as well as plantain and yarrow. Plantain is a wonderful herb for this time of year as you can use the leaves to rub onto insect bites. Chew them up a little to release the mucilaginous juices and apply to the bite for a soothing, cooling poultice. As a child I used to love firing the seed heads off the end of the stalks like a canon! Yarrow can be used in a tea as a remedy for fever and the young leaves can be used in salads. Also called 'soldier's wound wort' it can be used to stop nosebleeds.Yarrow is also a well known witches garden herb, historically used in many wise folk's spells and charms. Carrying yarrow blossoms in your pocket is said to attract new love to you and the fragrance is said to alleviate fears and help you to see a situation more clearly.
Nettle is a fantastic remedy for hayfever as it contains anti-histamine and is also a very good source of iron. You can use the leaves in tea, soup and salads but I wouldn't recommend picking the leaves to eat after the beginning of june as they become course and bitter and much more laxative. The seeds can be harvested over the summer and they are used as an adrenal adaptogen; useful for raising energy levels. Check out whispering earth's blog for more in depth info on this

oh and I know it doesn't really count as a herb but I found it on my walk and it made me smile...
Its amazing the kind of things you find....
quite appropriate really!
So now I'll sit back and enjoy a glass of last seasons blackberry vodka with lemonade and enjoy the last of the sun, then indoors for a fire and a meal. Happy solstice!
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